The Interactive Video Toolkit interfaces to laserdiscs.
-- part contents for card part 1
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The HyperCard TCP Toolkit consists of a set of HyperTalk commands and functions which allow HyperCard stacks to establish TCP connections and send data across them. There is also a function for performing name to address translation.
A connection is established using the TCPActiveOpen function, which establishes a connection with the remote socket and returns a connection ID. This connection ID is used to specify which connection to send and receive data on for the TCPCharsAvailable, TCPSend, TCPRecvChars, TCPRecvUpTo, and TCPRecvMsg commands and functions. The TCPState function returns the current state of the connection. To gracefully close a connection, the TCPClose command is called; the HyperTalk script should then wait for the connection to close, by calling TCPStatus until it returns
"closed", and then calling TCPRelease. (A call to TCPRelease, without first closing the connection, will abort the connection.)
Alternatively, TCPPassiveOpen will allow connection to be accepted on a particular socket. The TCPState function can then be called to determine when the connection is established.
Note: All error messages are surrounded by "§§§" so that they can be quickly identified.